The website is managed by Mrs Roxane Schilling – SARL with the capital of 100 000 Euros – SIRET Number : 793908 658 00016
Mrs Roxane SCHILLING is the publication’s director.

This site is realized by Gessycom and hosted by OVH.

Intellectual property and copyright :

The reproduction even partial of this website is forbidden without any authorization.
The rights of intellectual properties of this website belongs to Roxane Schilling.
The graphical elements (except photos CCO Domaine Public Pixabay – G. Bögner) and all the texts in this website belongs to Roxane Schilling
(except for the LINKEDIN Logo, LINKEDIN corporation brand and affiliated companies based in US and all other countries).

In accordance with the law “Informatiques et Libertés” this website is declared at the CNIL – Declaration Nr 202 45 41 vO.